Wild Eyes

He steps forward.

A giant with a head and a half of excess.

Behind him, light flickers and wanes.

Wax drips, candles shush in a flash of peace.

The deafening silence between heaves of storm

Made more intimidating trapped in electric blue bottles

Sharp and mirthless


Its red.

The rolling shards of glass

Crunched under my hands

Aged twenty porcelain, torn in twos and fours and tens

Priced ink shattered at the seams

Koi’s bleed, giving flowers life

Not so permanent after all

Numbness spreads, disconnecting

And all I see, all that matters is—

Its red.

Haiku Monday

Tumbling down again.

When will I be allowed rest?

I’m tired of standing.

I’m going to start doing this until further notice. 🙂 I’ve got a short story in the works right now, though I’m still debating posting it under my stories here or making it pretty and giving it away as a free mini e-book on my site. The difference? Well, not much. It’s free both ways. But its so much nicer when formatted.